Call for Papers

Reimagining Welfare:

Sustainable Paths in Public Finance

University of Cagliari, September 12-13, 2024


Download the Call for Papers here

The XXXVI Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics will focus on the sustainability of public finance and innovating public policies. The resilience of the Welfare State depends on the public sector’s ability to adapt and respond to both temporary shocks – like the recent pandemic – and medium- and long-term structural changes. Climate crisis, ageing population, migratory flows, technological progress, and the spread of artificial intelligence represent challenges that call for new tailored policy tools. These new policies should seek a balance between mitigating inequalities, ensuring access to key social services such as health, social security, and education, and, at the same time, guaranteeing the stability of public finances.

The Conference Scientific Committee invites the submission of theoretical and empirical contributions on these topics and, more generally, on public economics and finance issues such as (among others):

  1. Health policies, health and well-being
  2. Environmental policies
  3. Employment policies and public support in labour market transitions
  4. Inequality, poverty, and income redistribution
  5. Pension policies
  6. Population ageing
  7. The welfare state and economic growth
  8. Social inclusion
  9. Education and educational poverty
  10. Gender inequalities
  11. Tax structures and economic efficiency
  12. Family taxation
  13. Corporate taxation
  14. Quality of institutions and public decision-making processes
  15. Public spending by the central state and lower levels of government.
  16. Regulation and competition policies
  17. Local finance and fiscal federalism
  18. Opportunities, social mobility, and intra and intergenerational equity
  19. Immigration and public finance

The Scientific Committee is chaired by Rinaldo Brau and composed of Silvia Balia, Claudio Deiana, Ludovica Giua, Vania Manuela Licio, Marco Nieddu, Elisabetta Strazzera, Cristian Usala, and Annalisa Vinella (University of Bari).

Furthermore, the following scholars have kindly agreed to collaborate with the Scientific Committee: Sergio Beraldo (Università degli Studi di Napoli),  Giorgia Casalone (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale), Alessandra Casarico (Università Bocconi), Alessio D’Amato (Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”), Paolo Di Caro (Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Dipartimento delle Finanze), Marina Di Giacomo (Università degli Studi di Torino), Nadia Fiorino (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila), Michele Giuranno (Università del Salento),  Agnese Sacchi (Università degli Studi di Urbino), Antonio Scialà (Università degli Studi Roma Tre), Edilio Valentini (Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara) and Claudio Zoli (Università degli Studi di Verona).

Authors wishing to submit papers for the Conference can do so starting from February 19 and no later than May 31, 2024, through the following link:

Only complete articles with abstracts, JEL codes, and keywords will be considered.

The Scientific Committee will inform authors of the selection results by June 20, 2024. All selected authors who wish to participate in the Conference must register and pay the membership fee by July 3, 2024. The registration form and instructions for the payment of the membership and participation fee will be made available at the following link:

PhD students and those who recently obtained their PhD can register and participate in the Conference without paying the participation fee. To this end, when submitting their article, they should send a statement from the doctoral program’s Coordinator (or supervisor) to the address, certifying that they are doctoral students or have discussed the doctoral thesis after January 1, 2023. In addition, authors who meet these requirements may choose to participate in a “young researchers” (multi-topic) session with the allocation of a discussant, or select a specific session (without discussant) based on the topic selected by the author among those planned for the Conference.

The provisional program of the Conference will be available on July 19, 2024. The final versions of the papers must be sent through the already indicated link (as an update of the preliminary version) by September 3, 2024.

The 2024 edition of the SIEP Award is open to authors under thirty-five. All the authors of the submitted article must meet this requirement. Authors wishing to apply for the SIEP Award must declare this when submitting the article and upload the final version (no longer modifiable) by July 3, 2024. Please consult the dedicated page for more information on the prize and how to apply:

The Conference will also host the granting of the Etta Chiuri Prize. This prize is addressed to economists under forty who have submitted papers on household decision-making processes, housing market imperfections and illegal migration. All the details about the prize and how to apply will be available at:

SIEP members are kindly invited to circulate this call for papers among potentially interested colleagues. Further announcements about the Conference will be published on the SIEP website: