XXXVII Conferenza SIEP 2025 - Governance delle politiche pubbliche e opportunità di accesso ai servizi

Napoli, 18-19 settembre 2025

The Italian Society of Public Economics Public Economics

The Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP) is a non-profit scientific association operating in the Italian Public Finance tradition. Founded in 1988, it has now more than 300 members. Public Economics employs the instruments of modern economic analysis to study the functioning of the public sector as a whole, and of its different components, on the revenue and expenditure side. It also includes public choice and political economic issues. SIEP collaborates with the Italian Society of Economists and with all the other scientific societies that deal with selective features of government intervention by using similar or alternative approaches.
SIEP aims at:


Promoting studies, research projects, surveys, using also a multidisciplinary approach, on issues pertaining the public sector


Participating, through its members, at scientific conferences, in Italy and abroad, promoting the relationships with research institutes, international scientific societies and foreign students of Public Economics;


Scientific conferences on public economic issues; in particular the Annual Conference of the Society and, at the same time, the General Assembly of its members, and other intermediate meetings on specific topics;


All the projects promoting research activity and the diffusion of knowledge in the field of Public Economics

I rischi di ridimensionamento dell’università e della ricerca: una lettera delle società scientifiche

Il comunicato SIEP

All news, calls and communications for SIEP members

SIEP News NewsNews

Latest News, communications, seminars, and events

ASN 2021/2023 – Time schedule: Click on this link in order to browse the schedule and deadlines for the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) procedure 2021/2023. Application deadline for “Quadrimestre I”: 30/09/2021 (h15).

29/3/2021: Parliamentary hearings on IRPEF reform (Indagine conoscitiva riforma IRPEF): hearings in joint committees 6a Senato e VI Camera. 22 March 2021 – Paola Profeta intervenes. See the text of the memorandum here:

1/3/2021: National Scientific Qualification – ASN 2021/2023 – We inform that the call for the new round of National Scientific Qualification for the two-year period 2021-2023 has been published, adopted with Decreto Direttoriale n.553, 26 febbraio 2021.

22/3/2021: Parliamentary hearings on IRPEF reform (Indagine conoscitiva riforma IRPEF): hearings in joint committees 6a Senato e VI Camera. 12 March 2021 – Carlo Fiorio intervenes.  See the text of the memorandum here: 

12/3/2021: Parliamentary hearings on IRPEF reform (Indagine conoscitiva riforma IRPEF): hearings in joint committees 6a Senato e VI Camera. 26 February 2021:

Giampaolo Arachi See the text of the memorandum here:

Paolo Liberati. See the text of the memorandum here:

Simone Pellegrino. See the text of the memorandum here:

26/2/2021: Parliamentary hearings on IRPEF reform (Indagine conoscitiva riforma IRPEF): hearings in joint committees 6a Senato e VI Camera. 5 February 2021 – Massimo Bordignon intervenes.   See the text of the memorandum here:


Topics in Public Economics Public EconomicsPublic Economics